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Summary of the counselling contract

The counselling contract outlines the terms and conditions for counselling services. It covers session arrangements, fees, contact outside of sessions, confidentiality, holidays and cancellations, endings, and complaint procedures.

Key points in the contract include:

  • Weekly sessions lasting 50 minutes are scheduled at a mutually agreed time and day.

  • The session time slot will be reserved for the client unless exceptional circumstances require rescheduling.

  • Clients are requested to provide advance notice for lateness or session cancellations.

  • If a client arrives late without notice, the session will still end at the agreed-upon time.

  • Clients must refrain from being under the influence of recreational drugs or alcohol during sessions.

  • A weekly fee is established at the beginning of the contract and may be subject to periodic review with one month's notice.

  • Payment is required before each session via cash, bank transfer or standing order.

  • Contact outside of sessions is limited to cancellations or necessary changes.

  • Emergency situations should be directed to appropriate emergency services.

  • Social networking requests and encounters outside of sessions are to be avoided.

  • Confidentiality is maintained, except in cases of serious risk to self or others or disclosures related to acts of terrorism.

  • Session notes are taken for the counsellor’s reference and stored securely.

  • Planned breaks will be communicated in advance, and timely notice of client breaks is expected.

  • Ending the counselling journey will be collaboratively determined unless exceptional circumstances arise.

  • Complaints can be discussed with the counsellor and, if necessary, escalated to BACP Client Services.

  • The contract is subject to periodic review, with updates communicated to the client.

  • To ensure a safe environment for all, the client is requested not to attend in person sessions where they are unwell or experiencing Covid 19 symptoms or other respiratory infection. Where possible it is requested that 24 hours’ notice be given and an online session will be offered as an alternative

The contract aims to establish clear guidelines and ensure a safe and effective counselling relationship between the counsellor and the client.

If you feel you are in crisis, please contact the following:

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